Fee Brothers - Black Walnut Bitters

15 cl

A new style of bitters created by Fee Brothers for their ever increasing range - Black Walnut. It`s got the bitterness of black walnuts with nutty notes and a whole host of spice. On the nose nutty, bark-like cola with notes of chocolate and faint spice. On the palate slightly sweet with very mild bitterness, perhaps more comparable to an Italian amaro liqueur than most aromatic bitters. Strong cola notes with dark chocolaty walnut. The finish is rooty and pine-like bitterness more pronounced in the long, chocolaty spicy finish.

A great addition to any back bar, works great in more spirit led cocktails.

`Roosevelt Cocktail`
60ml Rittenhouse Straight Rye
15ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry
1 dash Angostura Aromatic Bitters
1 dash Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters
Garnish with a Jack Rudy Bourbon Cherry

Fee Brothers - Black Walnut Bitters
15 cl

A new style of bitters created by Fee Brothers for their ever increasing range - Black Walnut. It`s got the bitterness of black walnuts with nutty notes and a whole host of spice. On the nose nutty, bark-like cola with notes of chocolate and faint spice. On the palate slightly sweet with very mild bitterness, perhaps more comparable to an Italian amaro liqueur than most aromatic bitters. Strong cola notes with dark chocolaty walnut. The finish is rooty and pine-like bitterness more pronounced in the long, chocolaty spicy finish.

A great addition to any back bar, works great in more spirit led cocktails.

`Roosevelt Cocktail`
60ml Rittenhouse Straight Rye
15ml Pedro Ximenez Sherry
1 dash Angostura Aromatic Bitters
1 dash Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters
Garnish with a Jack Rudy Bourbon Cherry